March 2023
Blog- March 2023 - Where did the last few years go?
In 2021 we, (Dianne and Bruce), moved from the coast near Bribie Island in Queensland, Australia, to live and become the caretakers of a beautiful bush property in the Granite Belt on the Great Dividing Range Elevation, 3000 ft, near Stanthorpe, just north of NSW and the little town of Tenterfield, Australia.
Majestic mountains and hills in the Great Dividing Range surround the house creating a natural chalice. The night sky is clear, and the sunsets are amazing! Stargates and portals reveal themselves and the collapsing timelines becoming very evident.
The land is powerful with the magnetics of the granite belt singing high frequencies to our Being. This is a powerful space to upshift and release all that is not for our highest good. This is a place where you must take responsibility for your energies and “do the washing up” own, thank and release all lower frequencies and though-forms. It is an extreme weather change with temperatures of -11degrees Celsius in the winter. High Altitude and every season is evident with the changes in the land. IT MAY EVEN SNOW!! Throughout 2022 the land and energies called us. We listened and played. Waters ran in a narrow seasonal creek for the whole year. This was apparently unheard of. We celebrated daily in these pristine waters and drank in the codes and songs they offered us. Divine Principal energies offered through the creek. How blessed were we!
Visitors began to arrive each bringing their own unique energy signature to dance and sing with the land. We opened portals and received the gifts as the land began to awaken to us more and more. The waters continued to flow sharing the codes of the new Earth. Ancient grids began to stir. The singing stones shared their love. This lands magnetic grid amplified. The birds shared their songs. We felt and still feel truly blessed!
We began to create our Songbird Temple. A place to facilitate our sonic tonics and New Body Therapies. A place to share and nurture in the chalice of love that this land offers.
A beautiful traveller and soul si-star& musician Deb, created a crystal circle and pattern of notes as guided. This was the start of what was to come. At the beginning of 2023, the crystal generator was born, with the assistance of another dear soul si-star, MaYanya Starbourne. Her timely visit encouraged a High Cosmic Tea party. The CommUnity and the laughter, harmonics of the teas and the joy of celebration created a ripple. It was Time. The time is NOW.
The dragons and their energies began to awaken and Sofia, our dragon, stirred and her song was heard. We facilitated a huge moment in time. The magnetics of this land amplified. We listened and stood in the power of song.

This became a song in co-creation with Songdahla, MaYanya and the 7 Beings at our cosmic tea. (Leisa, Kay, Margie, Fiona, Annette, Anne &Henrique) So much Gratitude.
The song can be heard on Youtube&/or Spotify Songdahla- Time of Power. The dragon sleeps, deep within the Earth Wake up, wake up It’s time for rebirth.
Dragon Lines sing, new songs below
Wake up, wake up Its Time to know.
A Time of Power Sovereign Beings arise.
Born from old Earth’s demise.
The dragon Sings, eternal waters of creation
Rise up, Rise up All Beings, all nations.
Begin in the heart, The infinity of space within
Bringing the unknown into the unknown
Rise again, Rise again
Spirals of light, birthing soundless sounds
Through the light of your magic prayer
Hope is coming to life.
We are the music riding the waves of devotion… thru the light.
Rise again rise again.
Click the link to hear the raw version of the Dragon Song - Time of Power

2023 the dragon energy revealed itself and the star grid of the Divine Hu-Man blueprint /template was co- created for all to see. This energy is still building, and it is a wonderful opportunity to receive the gifts of perfection. I AM THAT.
Throughout March 2023 with the Equinox energies and all the planetary gifts in this moment in time, the grid continues to activate and build. We invite you to come and walk it and offer it a crystal etc if you are guided to.
It is a great place to Journal as you stand in the centre and receive the gifts of your intentions.
MaYanya and I were invited to chat about the grid on the “Venus Twins” pod cast via zoom and again the dragon’s message of great love and hope through the prayers of all was amplified. We asked you to hear the dragon’s song. Go into your higher heart and feel the stirrings of your inner power. Know you are connected. We are the dragons. Breathe in the new frequencies and light/sound harmonics with the Divine HU-Man & embodiment of Love star grid/template we created as guided ready for the March Equinox 2023.
In song Dianne xx
