Now Events
Songdahla are eager to share their music and love world wide. When invited, they follow the pathway to facilitate the sound sessions with ease and grace. Do you feel the call?
Come and join us as we open to sing our Heart-Song!​
Ongoing Events
Join us for regular soul sound sessions of Divine love, light and high frequency.
Sound & Soak
Experience the magikal healing powers of sound as it vibrates through the water and interacts with your Being.

Parapsychology & Living in the Now

Sunshine Coast - 2021
Tinbeerwah - 3rd Sunday of the month - 2pm to 4pm
Exchange - $20 per person ($30 for couples) or heartfelt donation.
At this Event we often have Special Guests joining us to share their wonderful frequency and wisdom.
Sunshine Coast regular meeting guide for this year 2021

Tinbeerwah December 20th 2020

Songdahla often particpate in local markets, Psychic fairs and events.
Keep an eye out for regular facebook event notifications, instagram &
our webpage.
Woorim Beach Bribie Island
2nd Satuday of each month 8am - 12noon - Lions Club Markets
Tintookie Park, Jacana Ave Woorim Beach. Come and say Hi.
Share the oils. Receive a sacred energy balance. Enjoy testing our oils, crystals and music.
We invite you to join us for a community meditation on the hill
8.00-8.30am each market to share the love and light through our CommUnity as One.
To keep informed of our Happenings please join our mailing list, or follow us in Instagram.

EVENTS in 2020
Milk of Life Healing Centre - 66 Protea Drive Bongaree
8th March as guest facilitator
4pm - 5.30 pm by donation
July -13th & 14th 2019
Harmony Fair
Hosted by Harmony Enlightenment Center
9am to 4pm both days
Admission - Free
Woodford Memorial Hall, Archer St Woodford Qld

July 28th 2019
Milk of Life Healing Centre
96-130 Banyak Suka Drive Woodford Qld 4514
4pm - 5.30pm
Join us for an afternoon exploring sound signatures.
Our final presentation for this venue as it is handed over
to the new owners.
Songdahla take this opportunity to thank Kevin, Alan and
all the regulars who have made this centre one of our favourite
places to present our sound sessions at.
We wish Kevin all the best for now and in the future.
Thank you, thank you thank you!.
July 21st 2019

July 7th 2019
Harmony Enlightment Centre
Masonic Lodge - George St Woodford Qld
4pm - 5pm
Join us for a great afternoon of music and vibrational
inspiration for your soul and heart.
We are the guests of Rev Lynne Burrell.
Ph Lynn on 0439 915 442 fo further info.
June 22 2019
Winter Solistice Event with Songdahla - Ningi
Arrive 4.30pm to settle before start time.
* RSVP this event to Dianne on 0417 263 425 to secure
a spot as numbers are limited.
* Come join us for a sacred fire, sacred sounds and a cup
of soup in our New Songdahla Temple Space.
* 4.30pm for a 5.03pm Agnihotra sacred fire at sunset.
* 6pm - 7pm sacred songs a sounds.
* 7pm - 8.30pm - Supper
* Pot luck food donations for supper are most welcome.
Energy Exchange - $15

June 9th 2019
Tinbeerwah Hall
Cnr of Sunrise & Noosa/Cooroy Rd Tinbeerwah Qld 4514
10am - 11.30am
Join us at the Sunrise Spiritualist Church (Sunshine Coast) gathering
to immerse yourself in the energies of now.
With guitar, crystal bowl, gong, mantra and light language.
Dress in comfortable clothing, bring a yoga mat, water & blanket.
Cost - By donation.
Contact - Laine - 0428 773 133

21 - 23 June 2019
Time to Lighten up Retreat

April 14th 2019
Milk of Life Healing Centre
96-130 Banyak Suka Drive Woodford Qld 4514
4pm - 5.30pm
Join us for an afternoon exploring sound signatures.
March 18 2019
Cosmic Tea Party
Hosted by Mayanya
Venue: Bribie Arts Center
Inspired by nature and drawing upon the ancient wisdom that is held in herbs. You will be taken on an interactive journey as Mayanya shares with you the story of how this unique range of herbal harmonic blends has been energetically composed.
Prepare to be delighted as you discover how your body is perfectly designed to energetically communicate with the voice of nature.
This is natures music sung through harmonics held in the alchemy of the herbs.
Vibrating through your beautiful instrument, working organically wit the bods systems and rhythms to bring healing harmony and balance naturally. "Its not just a cuppa tea, its an experience"
Please RSVP info@songdahla.com.au or text Dianne 0417 263 425 to secure your place.
Cost: $30 per person
Numbers are limited
BYO teacup and saucer
Tea will be available for purchase at this event.
Mayanya herbal harmonic teas are hand crafted; all ingredients are organic or wild crafted. For more info on herbal harmonic teas email mayanya54@gmail.com.au
March 12 2019
Songdahla & Kate Landsberry

March 10 2019
Journey Into Your Soul With Songdahla & Infinite Rising
For more info and booking visit our Facebook event
March 8 2019
An Evening of Sacred Sounds & Songs
For more info and booking visit our Facebook event